It's week four of my squeaky clean eating and I'm enjoying every minute. New compliant creations are coming out of our kitchen every single day and my roommate and I have become masters of clean eating, paleolithic diets, and how to strategically maneuver the produce and meat aisles like complete professionals.
Sure, there were nights where we'd sit on the couch and just talk about the food that we wished we could have. Or days we'd send pictures to each other of the break-room goodness we couldn't eat. But more frequently there are the nights where we sauté up a ripe banana with blueberries, coconut, and toasted almonds and relish in the delicious simplicity of it all.
We don't waste much, if anything at all, and last night I was determined to use up a good amount of the random items I had leftover. The result? Shrimp and Brussel Sprout Zucchini Noodles with Marina.
What you'll need:
Shrimp, peeled and deveined
2 Zucchini
Brussel Sprouts
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Marinara Sauce
Now, I cannot give you exact measurements because I really just threw this together with no real idea what would turn out. But it went a little something like this:
Half the brussel sprouts and place face down in EVOO on medium to high heat. Once they started to turn a lovely golden brown, I tossed them with lemon juice and salt to taste. Set sprouts aside.
I threw the shrimp into the same sauté pan with a tablespoon or so of olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice, and herbs de provence. The shrimp picked up the brown bits left behind from the sprouts and smelled delicious covered in those fragrant herbs.
While the shrimp cooked (which takes no time at all) I spiralized the zucchini and tossed into a large sauce pan over medium heat with hot oil and cooked for just a minute or two.
Once everything was cooked to my liking, I combined all of the ingredients into the sauce pan, added arugula, and tossed with just enough marinara to lightly coat it all.
Simple. Fast. Clean.